Archive for category: Geese
Happy Solstice, Hanukkah, Xmass, NewYears, Wassail, AKA: Earth-Is-Tilted-On-Its-Axis-So-It's-Cold-this-Time-Of-Year! We're wishing you all a very Happy New Year! We've made...
Here’s how it works: We post a Moon Acre photo from the month, you write your caption for the...
Easter Arrivals
Ducks, Geese, #ducklings, #easter, #fowl, #glucks, #livestock, #Moon Acre Farm, #spring, 06:30 AM the morning after Easter the phone rings and wakes me out of deep sleep. Panic &...
Kaisa guards the flock from all who get too near. Kaisa is suspicious of most creatures and moving objects...