Just a day in the life of ducklings and goslings.
This is their 2nd time “out of the box”, exploring on their own.
Just a day in the life of ducklings and goslings.
This is their 2nd time “out of the box”, exploring on their own.
Penelope finds gates and fence-lines confusing. Penelope can often be found left behind in the duck-yard quacking as her...
Jemima enjoys being the first duck in the pond and following along behind the human bug-revealers catching treats.
6:30 AM the morning after Easter the phone rings and wakes me out of deep sleep. Panic &...
This is so cute. This was one of the first times the ducklings and goslings were “out” in the...
Blackberry, the now snow-white duck was once all black. She is a changeable sort and enjoys sitting on her...
First egg! We’re not sure if it’s a duck or goose egg (odds are it’s a duck egg) The...
Happy Solstice, Hanukkah, Xmass, NewYears, Wassail, AKA: Earth-Is-Tilted-On-Its-Axis-So-It's-Cold-this-Time-Of-Year! We're wishing you all a very Happy New Year! We've made...