Pruning and care for the small-scale orchard or home garden…

Fruit trees covered by the Venerable Wendy Krupnick
Proper chainsaw use covered by Peter
Music serenade by Susan Ballinger & Victor Ruesga
& Homemade Cider Tasting with Marley Peifer

Sunday, Jan 29nd, 2012TIME: 1:30 – 4:00pmLOCATION: Moon Acre Farm
(Germone Road, Sebastopol)

Cost: $15
(ages 12 – 18 free)



The Gravensteins of Moon Acre Farm

Hands On Learning

Come learn proper pruning, the difference between pruning for shape and for growth, how to minimize the spread of disease, and other esoteric tree lore in this hands-on experiential learning course.

These are exceptional Trees!
Many of the trees we’ll be caring for are over 100 years old – planted by the original Germone family (for which the street was named).

Fruit tree varieties include: Gravenstein, Golden Delicious and Rome Beauty Apples, Bosc and Seckel Pear, and Santa Rosa Plum.

Larger trees and cuts?

Peter will demonstrate proper chainsaw use and demonstrate on some of our older, larger apple trees.  Matthew Banchero will avail himself to phone calls and emails in regards to questions regarding trimming large trees – as this is now the best time of year to trim trees like Pine and other Conifers

A Sweet Serenade…

Susan Ballinger and Victor Ruesga will join us for the hands-on portion of our workshop to serenade us as we practice what we’ve learned. Susan on the fiddle and Victor on the guitar as we play with the trees.

Serendipitously, both our musicians are also landscape designers, gardeners contractors of both the small and large scale garden installation. So I’m sure we’ll all have a lot to talk about and have a fun time learning and playing together.
Here is Susan’s landscape design website as well as Victor Ruesga’s landscape construction website.

Cider Tasting…

To complete the afternoon, we will have an opportunity to taste some Home brewed Cider by Marley Peifer. Marley brings his love of nature, farming, and fermenting all the way to the glass. He knows how to ferment everything from Kraut to Kimchi, Magic Mead and Beer. Moon Acre Farm will play host to more of his workshops later this year. Until then, he suggests you try his simple Strawberry Ginger Ale recipe to get started.

What to Bring:

Hand pruners or loppers, gloves, layers of clothing for various temperatures.

Questions? Call Peter (707) 486.2048



note:no refunds after 1/17/2012

Our Instructor, the venerable Wendy Krupnick, has had a passion for more than 30 years for organic farming and gardening, and loves sharing her enthusiasm with others. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree with honors in biology from UC Santa Cruz in 1975.

She is involved with organizations that further more sustainable agriculture, including Community Alliance with Family Farmers, Ecological Farming Association, and the Sonoma County iGrow and Food System Alliance projects.

Her gardening training started at the UC Santa Cruz Farm and Garden, where for 10 years she managed the variety trials and demonstration gardens for Shepherd’s Garden Seeds and was the lead garden advisor for many farming and gardening professionals nationwide and worked with fine restaurants across California, producing herbs, edible flowers, and vegetables for their use. She also managed the Felton farmers market for 10 years.

For seven years she coordinated the four-acre garden at Shone Farm, which is part of the Sustainable Agriculture Program. and is currently an Adjunct Instructor in this program. Wendy has also taught Master Gardener classes since 1992, teaches workshops on edible gardening through Santa Rosa Parks & Recreation Department, and assists home garden clients.

  1. Korie Shokmalli 13 years ago

    Hi! I just registered for the pruning class. Korie

    • peter 13 years ago


      I’m looking forward to the in-tree serenade!

      And to meeting everyone!

      – peter

  2. marley 13 years ago

    Don’t let the rain scare you away (besides we really need it). We are using our pre-planned rainy day back up date since it looks like it will be raining pretty hard this coming sunday.

    This workshop is going to be great! And it is just the first of many more to come. I am very excited.

  3. Suzanne Knecht 13 years ago

    Hi Peter, Heather & Marley,
    Just want to tell you all how much Jerry and I enjoyed your pruning seminar. What with Wendy – incredibly informative – the music and the mead, it was a totally delightful afternoon in which I believe I learned something.
    Thanks so much.
    Do you have the name of the book from which Wendy’s chart was taken? I would like to get a copy.

  4. peter 13 years ago

    The name of the book is:

    Home Orchard:
    Growing Your Own Deciduous Fruit and Nut Trees

    Thanks for coming and helping us turn Work into Play.

    – Peter

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