Accelerated Worm Composting is a method of composting invented by designer Peter van Gorder in 2008.

We hope you’ll make your own and not only make this Earth a better place, but make this place into better Earth!

Make your own worm composting accelerator!

(no, it does not spin worms at super speeds or launch them into space)

Executive Summary: The Accelerated Worm Composting Station creates and uses surface area to accelerate the composting process.This station masticates (mashes up) the food, much like our mouth, thereby making more surface area for the bacteria to access. More surface area = more bacteria eating = faster decomposition. This process is similar to how our own bodies ingest food. Imagine putting food directly into your stomach without chewing it.Our teeth are similar to the garbage disposal / food grinder. Our saliva is like the bacteria and other microbials in the air and dirt. The folds in our intestine creates a lot of surface area for absorption. Similarly, we can create a lot of surface area for our kitchen scraps when we smash it up and spread it out over the surface of the dirt in our worm bin.

How much does this help? In the human body, the simple shape of the intestine has about 1/2 square meter of surface. But the mucosal folds, villi and microvilli in our intestine turn that into 250 square meters of absorptive surface area – about the size of a tennis court! That’s an increase of 500%!

In the compost bin, A watermelon rind or an apple chore can can easily last up to a month. In this system it can be broken down and “absorbed” in about 3 days.

Lets start with some backround:Why Compost?
Deserts are blowing,pavement is growing,pesticides are flowing….

Soil is being lost.

Dry soil is dead soil.

Good soil has 1 billion bacteria per teaspoon.

Most commercial potting soil is sterilized

Roots, Worms, Fungi, bacteria…

They all need each other.

The plants actually send sugars and starches down to their roots to feed bacteria at the rhizosphere – a symbiotic relationship.

Bacteria, in turn, feed the plants roots with boost of nitrogen and other nutrients in a steady stream.

These natural nutrients are more easily absorbed by the plant than chemical fertilizers.

Chemical fertilizers kill the food web making the plant dependant on more chemical fertilizers.

But ultimately you can’t keep up and most of the chemicals go into your drinking water…. Here’s to your health!

And these plants have less nutrients in them. They are a ghost of plant in comparision.

These foods are sold in the store as “Conventional” – but they are far from convintional. In fact, they should be labled “poisioned”.

“Organic” food is the real conventional food and by definition.

Brown composting is good for large dry stuff.

Green is good for kitchen scraps and creating rich, wet soil that sustains a vibrant food web.

Worm compost, which could also be called “bacteria compost”, is alive and rich.

It has soil structure which holds more water, has more oxygen, and feeds more life.

You can amplify your effort with compost tea – brewing trillions and trillions of microbes you can apply directly to the soil or to the plants leaves.

To get going to put your scraps in a bin and wait…

and wait….

as your pile grows and grows.

My mom used to tell me “you’re putting too much in and it’s killing them”.

The idea of “too much food” seemed absurd and I started looking for more clues that told a larger story…

Clue #1:

Turns out that bacteria eat first. Then I thought: They can’t get through these tough fruit skins!

Ever notice how you can have an apple on your counter for weeks, but as soon as you take a bit out of it it starts to decay?

Clue #2:

Surface area!

I needed to create more surface area so more mouths can feed at one time!

I also needed to break up those pesky fruit skins that keep the fruit from decaying.

I want it to decay faster.

I want nature to be as enabled as it can be.


Mash it up!

This is, so far, my best addition to the planet: Teeth for bacteria and worms!

Teeth with lots of horse power!

Phase 2 will be hand crank or solar electric power.

I run the food through a garbage disposal, it also aerates the liquid, and I collect it in a bucket.

It’s very simple. But none the less most people throw these nutrients in the land fill and then purchase them back again (steralized and dead) as “dirt” while at the same time filling the landfill with nutrient rich worm food.

I also add some fiber for drainage, calcium for ph, and grit because worms need grit just like chickens.

I pour it on. Notice the surface area, and how easy it is for worms and other microbes to move through it. In the summer I don’t worry about the extra water – it will drain right through or evaporate.

In the winter I frequently drain the extra liquid – but save it for the compost tea.

Bacteria are the Alchemist of the soil and quickly get to work with all the surface area that’s been created.

Worms are ‘secondary eaters’, coming along to eat after the bacteria and mold have started.

I’ve started making my own bins to handle the volume and to save money. Stirring in the mix helps too.

Some people know how to take soil and plant a seed, water it, let it pollinate, harvest it, and voila! Food.

But it’s an incomplete cycle that is very much a part of desertification, soil loss, planet heating, and a dimished richness of life.

Knowing how to make soil, you have earned your gold star for helping the planet.

It may be doubted whether there are many other animals which have played so important a part in the history of the world, as have these lowly organized creatures.
 Charles Darwin 1881

The main discoveries that led to the Accelerated Worm Composting invention and method are:

  • Bacteria eat first! Worms are not the first to eat, they are secondary and tertiary eaters.
  • All food has a natural protective ‘wrapper’ on it: The skin of the fruit naturally tries to protect it from premature decay.
  • Most food is round-ish; It has the least surface area per volume – naturally protecting in yummy goodness inside the skin.
  • Without proper surface-area-to-volume ratio, most rotting masses of fruit and vegetables will go anaerobic (stinky, nasty, and kills worms)

Fruits and vegetables come wrapped in natures very best candy wrappers. One could say that the main purpose of the skins on nature’s fruits is to keep the rest of nature out; To keep the bacteria that’s ever present everywhere from eating the fruit before it’s finished growing.

By mashing/masticating the food before putting it into the worm bin we are also removing the “wrapper” so that everyone can get access to the food more rapidly – before anaerobic bacteria move in.   Of course, the fruit skins are not removed, just broken open in a way that accelerates and maximizes bacterial/fungal/worm feeding capacity and the thus the overall decomposition process.


Please share your experiences and discoveries with all of us and make the planet a better place…


  1. marley 12 years ago

    Thanks for sharing this method Peter! I can attest to the effectiveness of this system and am very glad I can use it for feeding my own worm bins. It sure beats trying to do it in your kitchen blender!

    I will never go back to throwing whole chunks into my worm bins again!!!

  2. Zack Schieberl 10 years ago

    Impressive! Thanks so much!

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